Fun Ways to Pass Your Time While at Home with Your Kids

Due to corona virus lockdown, schools and lots of businesses across the country are closed; and with stay-at-home directive from the Government, one may find themselves and their kids feeling copped up more than ever. Since you cannot go out, what could you really do at home? Here are some fun, educational and simple ways to entertain yourself and your kids, while staying at home.

Make a Fort
Do you have any cardboard boxes or boxes of diaper packages lying around at home? You can encourage your kids to use such items to entertain themselves by making a fort with them, suggests a teacher at the day care in Dubai. Kids could get creative and even decorate with paint, glue, crayons and anything else that you might have at home. And, in case you don’t have any boxes at home, try spreading a sheet across some chairs or furniture to make a blanket fort.

Read a Book with Your Child
Reading books help children develop phonic skills. It is also a great way of spending some productive time together with your child. If your kid is old enough, then you can help them with their reading practices and exercise by reading books together. It will also help your child stay productive and prepared for the nursery schools in Dubai.

Take A Virtual Tour of a Zoo, National Park, or Museum
There are some popular zoos around the world that live streams its birds and animals each day or weekly. There are some that even offer free online classes for children. A few day care centers in Dubai are offering online classes too. A simple Google search would land you with many options. 


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